Tuesday 12 June 2012


I think I need to start with a confession…

I am obsessed with food.

I don’t just like food, I love it. What to eat today is pretty much the first thing I think about in the morning and it just doesn't stop! When (if) I eat breakfast I’m thinking about what to have for lunch, at lunch I’m googling recipes and blogs and trawling through my trusted books for inspiration for how to make tonight’s dinner extra special. Cooking is the activity that I spend the majority of my time thinking about, shopping for and doing. I find it genuinely difficult to go to even my local shop and not spend at least a tenner, and if we’re talking about supermarkets you can easily triple that. So, I have finally decided to put this to some use at least and document my preoccupation.

Now, I’m not sure I’d call myself a foodie. Not I have anything against foodies, it’s just I’m not sure I fit into that category. Don’t get me wrong, I love food (as previously discussed), it’s just that I don’t really serve up haute cuisine. I use readily available ingredients and fairly simple techniques, I can’t always afford to buy organic and I do use cheats (shhh!) My training has mostly come from watching my mother and grandmothers in their kitchens and my recipes generally include a little bit of this and a little bit of that, really what I have to hand. Growing up in a Jewish household, food has always been central to family life. It is not uncommon for my mother to feed 30 odd people over a weekend and I have memories of waking up on a Friday craving chicken soup because she’d been up since 5 cooking it for Shabbat. This blog, my cooking and my want to share this love of food is all a tribute to them, and although feeding 20 at a time is still somewhat ambitious in my little kitchen, I’ll try to do them justice.

I hope you enjoy meandering through my food discoveries, successes and (hopefully not too many) failures. 


  1. Mmmm, chicken soup - but do you prefer your Knedlach soft or hard?

  2. Soft. Always, definitely, deliciously soft.
