How to get the smell of garlic off your hands
It may sound like an old wives' tale but rinsing your hands under cold running water for 10 seconds gets rid of the smell. I don't know why it works, it just does!
Soaking Skewers
If you have bamboo skewers and don't want them to burn and turn to ash on your barbecue, then you will have to soak them. An easy way without eliminating your sink from use is to put them in a bottle (if you treat yourself to a decent olive oil it will come in a lovely glass bottle you can use just for this purpose, or look posh and use it for water at dinner).
Make peeling ginger easy
The easiest way to peel ginger is to use a teaspoon. Put the flat edge of the piece of ginger (i.e. the bit you cut) on the chopping board and push downwards on the skin of the ginger, easy peasy!
De-Bearding mussels
This is really quite simple once you get over what it is you are doing (and touching). All you have to do is pull the hairy bit until it comes away.
Make sure you wash mussels by soaking them for a good 20 minutes to let all the grit come out. If they have barnacles on them a good way to get them off is just to rub them around against each other, most will pop off that way.
It IS the best way I have found alright but still a bloody nightmare especially if the prawns are coming from frozen and not fresh. I had the great pleasure of de-veining about 50 of them on Sunday.